
nov 13th - christmas

So, on to christmas. since we're in Ghana over christmas my family thought we needed to celebrate it a bit early this year. So almost all of us gathered at my aunt's place last saturday, for a full day of puzzles, wine and home cooked chinese food. just my kind of christmas.

we went all in for the REAL christmas feel. 

food preparations

dads home made spring rolls are AMAZING.

puzzle! a completely impossible on - monet (he must have been almost completely blind about then...)

peter reading away on his beloved kindle.

dad posing in his apron. he started dancing after that, but unfortunately all the pictures are blurry... 


and that was that. the rest of the evening we had loads of food + talked. quite early we got too tired and crawled to bed. when we finally woke up this awaited us:

breakfast, as it should be!

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