
sibling beer, aka syskonöl

a few times every year me and my brothers meet up for an evening of talking and drinking beer. last tuesday was the only evening we all could make it before we moved, so we met up at peppar, one of our favorite bars/restaurants for some food, beer and pepper shots.

it was a bit too dark in there to actually take pictures of my brothers. although i might need to blame them more than the light; they wouldn't sit still!

they had beer, i splurged and had a strawberry daquiri

the food arrived and it was a bit too spicy for me. although pretty much every food is to spicy for me...

kalle compensated his pepper shot with eating sour cream with a spoon. 

then we went on to a pub for some after-beer-beers. all in all a very nice night. I'm surely going to miss these evenings. 

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